There will be two assessments in Term 1 for English. The exact dates will be communicated three weeks prior to each assessment. In addition to class materials provided by teachers, students are advised to use the following resources to prepare for their assessment and unit of work they have been studying this term. 

There will be a writing assessment this half-term based on the study of a variety of fiction extracts under the theme 'Views from Around the World'. Students will be given a stimulus and they will then be expected to write two descriptive paragraphs. They will be assessed on their ability to use descriptive language techniques, write varied and imaginative sentence structures with accurate spelling, punctuation and grammar. The assessment will be taking place on Wednesday 29th January during period 3.

Revision and Preparation:

1) Read and revise over the classwork/tasks within your exercise book to remind you of the success criteria and expectations of this assessment. You will be assessed on AO4 and AO5. The overview sheet is below:

2) Use the resources below to support your revision. This knowledge organiser gives you a brief overview of the how you can structure your creative writing and what techniques and structures you should include. 

3) Use the links below for online resources to revise writing skills.

Fiction Writing
The link below has 8 different videos and quizzes that can be used as an excellent starting point.


Tone and Mood: