Due to the nature of Art, students are assessed over time and do not sit a summative assessment. Instead, they are assessed on the process of creating and working towards a final outcome. Assessment grades each term are offered using the below assessment matrix.
Name | Date |
Term One Students are assessed throughout the unit on completion of lesson tasks. Formative feedback and target setting is used through self and peer review and teacher verbal feedback.
Unit Outcome: Students are assessed on their final A3 comic page design utilising the illustration, graphic and mixed media skills they have developed during the unit | Process based assessment |
Term Two Students are assessed throughout the unit on completion of lesson tasks. Formative feedback and target setting is used through self and peer review and teacher verbal feedback.
Unit Outcome: Students are assessed on their final A2 Artist investigation sheet and self-portrait A3 mixed media digital self-portrait personal response. | Process based assessment |
Term Three Students are assessed against their Artistic Understanding & Interpretation strand of the criteria listed on the Visual Art Assessment Matrix for Key Stage 3 | Process based assessment |
You will need to make sure the following software is installed on your device as it will be used within this subject.
Software Name | URL |
Adobe Photoshop | https://creativecloud.adobe.com/ |
Adobe illustrator | https://creativecloud.adobe.com/ |
Microsoft Office 365 | https://www.office.com/ |