Due to the nature of Art, students are assessed over time and do not sit a summative assessment. Instead, they are assessed on the process of creating and working towards a final outcome. Assessment grades each term are offered using the below assessment matrix.

Term One

Students are assessed on their sketchbook submission containing evidence of their learning throughout this unit. 


Unit Outcome: Students are assessed on their final photographs in response to the photographers Slinkachu and Brian McCarty. 

Process based assessment
Term Two

Students are assessed on their sketchbook submission containing evidence of their learning throughout this unit. 


Unit Outcome: Students are assessed on their individual collage in response to the artist Eduardo Paolozzi alongside their collaborative artwork in response to the theme of ‘power.’ 

Process based assessment
Term Three

Students are assessed against their Artistic Understanding & Interpretation 

strand of the criteria listed on the Visual Art Assessment Matrix for Key Stage 3 

Process based assessment