Recommended Homework

We recommend that students complete 45 mins of Science homework each week. We have Education Perfect tasks assigned weekly and this is a great way for students to reinforce their knowledge of content taught in class and to extend beyond the curriculum.

During this Term we have learned loads about topics:

8A - Food and Nutrition

8C - Breathing and Respiration

8D - Unicellular and Multicellular Organisms (our current topic)

After the Biology units we will be starting chemistry which ties in nicely with the current silly season for this time of year. We have a tendency to buy a lot of gifts at this time of year especially in the run-up to the Winter Holidays!

Your recommended challange for Science over the next few weeks is to tell the story of "One Single Manufactured Product"!

Every single manufactured object has a story.
How can you tell that story, from concept to purchase to use?
Think about all the steps—creating the idea, making prototypes,
sourcing materials, building in a factory, distribution.

❓What people are involved?
❓What is the community impact?
❓What happens to them after they are used?

How can we change these stories to improve our planet?
Join Dr. Hart in MIT’s machine shop to improve the world by
improving manufacturing processes.

Choose an object
Learn its story
⚙️ Make a change to improve the process and the sustainability


The Mission:

Research how a product you enjoy using is made

‍ Design a more sustainable way to produce this product

⚖️ Compare your solution to the existing one.
How is it better?
Any new problems introduced?

Present your new process to the world.

Maybe an animation?
Or a sculpture?

Video your creation, and email it to your Science teacher, and Ms Roughley.

If you would like to show case your idea/creation then you can do so in the last week of school before the winter break!

Think big and have fun!

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